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Cameron Nursery potted trees

Potted trees

A relatively new item to the apple and cherry industry is a potted tree. This item has been used in the nut and grape industry successfully for many years. This item begins as a rootstock, in a pot, in a greenhouse, in December or January (4-5 months) before delivery. After the rootstock is established we bud the ordered variety to the root and continue to grow the plant in the greenhouse until delivery. Customers can expect a 3/8"-1/2" plant about 30" tall that is fully leafed out. The root system is fully developed in the pot and a sterile soil medium surrounds the roots. This product is perhaps the most controlled item, i.e. sterile soil, sterile greenhouse, predictable environment. Potted trees must be planted well after the last frost and will thrive only under the best irrigation program.

Please see our VARIETIES and ROOTSTOCKS pages.  

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